Jana's Once Upon a Family Blog

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

October Tradition Creative Communication

Start a new tradition this month that will open up communication with you and your family members. Using orange construction paper and the templates provided, cut out small pumpkins and put them into a clear jar with some black magic markers. Decorate the jar and keep it in a place for everyone to see. Throughout the month, choose one time during the day when your family is together (breakfast, bedtime, after school, etc) and have everyone decorate a face on the pumpkin that will show how they felt that day. Mom might put a big smiley pumpkin face and share how happy she was that everyone got dressed that morning by themselves. Little Joey might draw a sad face and share that someone had been mean to him on the playground. When Grandma is visiting, she might show a happy face because she is so happy to spend time with her grandchildren. Make this a new tradition during the month of October to decorate the refrigerator with all the faces that your family felt throughout the month.