St. Patrick's Leprechaun Leftovers
This tradition begins with a legend of the Leprechauns and leads to a Treasure box filled with goodies. Here’s how to make it happen: On the day before the holiday, tell your children the fabulous tale of the fun-loving Leprechauns. Begin your story with the idea that Leprechauns, full of magic and trickery, remain in their hidden world until the eve of St. Patrick’s Day. Then, as legend has it, they magically appear to bury their hidden treasures. If your child leaves a small-decorated box on the windowsill, the Leprechauns will fill it and bury it for your children to uncover. Use “Leprechauns Leftovers”, as clues to the whereabouts of the hidden treasure. Sprinkle green glitter that leads the treasure seekers closer to their loot, then leave a miniature pail and shovel (from a local craft store) to mark the spot where the enchanting treasure is hidden.