Jana's Once Upon a Family Blog

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Graduation Gift ideas

Letters from Home ~ at the grad party or dinner have the guest write a quick note, letter or postcard to the honoree. Have each guest place the letter inside the Dear Sweet Child Letterbox

~ invite friends, relatives and even favorite childhood teachers to write letters of congratulations to put in the box to present to the graduate. Or have family member's compile reasons why they are proud of the graduate or funny high school/college/etc. stories.

Portfolio for Cards & Letters

~ fill the dates with birthdays, anniversaries, and other important events so the graduate already has those dates in hand. You could also purchase cards and stamps so it’s all ready to sign and drop in the mail!

Roses are Red, I'll Make your Bed

Every woman loves a bouquet of flowers. Cut a dozen flowers (2” x 3” across) out of construction paper in a variety of colors. Then cut twelve stems (at least 1/2” wide) with some leaves attached and glue them onto the back of each flower. Now, write simple little phrases that promise help with a task Mom usually does: “Roses are red, I’ll make your bed. Violets are blue, I vacuum too. Posies are pink, I’ll clean the sink. Daisies are yellow, I’m your dusting fellow.” Cut a flower pot and glue sides and bottom to blank card. Once dry, slip your sweet blossoms into the pot and write a few words inside before you present this gift to Mom.


More often then not, mothers get someone else’s idea of the perfect Mother’s Day gift, instead of their own. Not because the family doesn’t care or doesn’t try, it’s simply because they don’t know what she wants. Nothing would make Dad and the kids happier than to give Mom what she really wants. Make a box with a slit on the top and call it the “Perfect Mother’s Day” box. Ask Mom to drop in slips of paper with ideas of things she would enjoy doing or receiving. Or, ask her to create an agenda for the day, for example: Mom wakes up (not until 11:00 am), to rose petals that lead her to a yummy breakfast prepared by her loved ones. She then joins her sister or best friend for an afternoon at the SPA. A lovely dinner is prepared by her husband and children, and while they do the dishes, Mom retires to a bubble bath, surrounded by lit candles and an hour of peace and quiet to enjoy a good book.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Handprint Poem

Great poem to add to the front of your Handprint Book

Everywhere we go
We leave fingerprints on the things we touch.
You've touched my life.
You've left your fingerprints on me.

Ever since the day we met
My life has been touched...

You've changed my life in many ways,
My heart has grown so strong,
It's all because of you.

I'm sure you know I Love You,
I just want to thank you too.
I have no idea where I'd be
If it wasn't for you.

You've touched my life.
You've left your fingerprints on me