I attended a
Once Upon a Family Celebration (party) in February of 2004. I knew before the end of the Celebration that this was something I was going to do. I think my sponsor knew it too. I stayed after and talked about the company. When I got home, I told my husband that I had to do this! I wasn’t sure what he would think -- he had seen me involved in other companies and knew how they worked. He was blown away with the company’s literature and how well done things were, considering the early stage of the companies growth. We knew that
Once Upon a Family was truly a special company and that I had to be a part of it.
I have been married to my husband James for twenty years. We have a wonderful son, Hunter who is six years old. When I became pregnant with my son, I was able to leave the normal office environment and started an office in my house. Even though I was able to “work from home”, I still had trouble “working” and being a ‘mom’ as I truly wanted to be. Once Upon a Family has allowed me to work and be that mom. It has allowed me to connect with others and talk about what is really important!
Once upon a Family has become my passion. I have never been happier with any other “job”. Even as “life” has happened for me, the flexibility has allowed me to do those important things with my family and still keep up with my OUAF business. When you find something that is right for you – it really works.
Being a Once Upon a Family consultant was me, something I had been looking for. It allowed me to make memories through traditions with my family. I had found something that simplified all that I wanted to do – no pressure to create stuff, but just to do things that mattered with my family. It has become a way of life for my family: my son expects that we celebrate life and even wanted to know what we were doing special for “Ground Hog” day! He has recently learned to exhibit “Courage” with the tools that I have found with Once Upon a Family. It was amazing how a little “courage” box and “keys” of courage encouraged him to overcome his fear.

I was so excited to have the opportunity to become an Honorary Founder with Once Upon a Family. To be a part of the beginning of a great company will be something cherished for years to come. I am pleased to be a part of the legacy of family and sharing that is being built.